On average, a person has 6,000 thoughts per day. 90% of which are repetitive in nature.
But here’s the kicker: your thoughts don’t affect how you feel. *Your emotions affect how you think.
You can’t control an emotion.
But you can control a thought.
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What if we listened for the answer next time we ask a man how he’s doing? Would relationships mend? Would violence decrease? Would wars stop?
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An object in motion will stay in motion, Sir Newton proclaimed. But why do we claim ourselves prey when pain itself doesn’t take ownership as a predator? What if this seemingly terrifying danger isn’t a lion set to devour us but rather something else?
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What good does it do if we only love those who love us back? Have we come to a point where love is, for the most part, no longer a verb or a noun? Rather, it lives in our lives as more of a tight sphere of self interest? Something we grip onto so grossly and only toss when we can be sure it will be tossed back at greater than or equal to pace and force?
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